
The work “Pollen Pixels” is a dazzling bouquet composed of millions of particles, dancing gracefully on electronic screens, as if emanating a mysterious magic.Colorful flowers are presented in the form of microscopic particles, displaying exquisite textures and lifelike layers, as if strolling among the flower sea.
When we observe pollen closely, we can see that it is composed of tiny particles. In “Pollen Pixels,” these microscopic particles are magnified and digitally displayed, allowing the audience to gain a deeper understanding of the micro-structure and aesthetic beauty of pollen.

At the same time, the digital flowers in the work also create a macroscopic beauty: their particle combinations form a perfect bouquet, presented at a larger scale, allowing the audience to feel a more macroscopic beauty and vitality.In this world, the audience can feel the connection and interaction between the microscopic and macroscopic, as well as appreciate the wonderful fusion of digital art and natural beauty.